
/300 - Fridaze

Not a lot to show for today. I did finally manage to massage Axoloti back together with 2 working screens. Now I need to get back to working on the patch.

We’re having the last gasp of summer weather amid the changing leaves. Emi and I hung out in the yard most of the afternoon doing this and that. She occupied herself with mud cakes (and tea and pizza) for awhile and I played guitar on the porch. Was pretty great. Did a bit more brainstorming on the guitar strap and the jazzmaster pickguard/electronics. Think it’s almost time to order some parts. I also told Ash that she needs to teach me how to use the sewing machine…

/258 - Scenes From A Day

1&2: Ash discovered some Monarch caterpillars on the milkweed plants next to our house. The first thing Emily wanted to do when she got up (at 6am) this morning was go check on them. I was barely able to convince her that they probably wanted to sleep in. When we finally did go out she made sure all were accounted for and then pulled up her chair to make sure “they were staying safe.”

3: Had a lovely time with my guitar and norns on the porch after dinner. Stayed out as long as I could, but eventually the mosquitos won. Tried out 4 channel recording for the first time — using the line ins from norns and the built-in mics to capture all the environment sounds. Haven’t had a chance to listen yet, so hopefully things turned out ok.

4: Macrame! Very simple design, but decided not to go way overboard (at first) for once. Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that I can nurse this spider plant back to health.

/253 - A Veryful Day

We didn’t get any work done on the planters today. We did all go and take a walk in the park and visit the animals at Wild Wings Rescue. So amazing to see these (HUGE) birds up close.

Otherwise we just sort of laid low. Ash did some photo work while Emi and I played. Got to spend a bit of time with my guitar on the back porch — I should really do that more often. Between that and our morning in the woods I want to get a small travel setup together so I can go play music outside. I’ve never done anything like that, but it seems like it would be fun.

/251 - A Forest

Emi and I took a trip to a nearby park/wooded area today. I was hoping to see some different birds, but apparently they’re all laying low as it’s molting season. She was just happy to run and have some new mud to play in. Since it was mid-morning on a weekday there weren’t a lot of people around and it was quite peaceful.

/158 - Housebound

Not feeling very inspired to be creative these days. Not a lot of extra time between family and work, and being inside (or outside, but very close to home) all day is making me feel a little flat. Gotta shake things up. I’ve reached out to a few people to see if that want to collab but no firm plans yet. Hope it works out.

Here’s a little electro-raga I recorded — one sequencer and one synth captured in one take. It’s different but I like how it’s the lead, the drone, and the percussion all at once.

/106 - A Walk

Overcast and cold here today, but knowing that we’re supposed to stay inside as much as possible makes it hard not to feel confined. We took a walk around the neighborhood and everything seemed normal — lots of cars on the roads and people out walking around. They must have felt like we do. Signs of spring are starting to pop up everywhere. Hopefully it gets warm again soon.