
/158 - Housebound

Not feeling very inspired to be creative these days. Not a lot of extra time between family and work, and being inside (or outside, but very close to home) all day is making me feel a little flat. Gotta shake things up. I’ve reached out to a few people to see if that want to collab but no firm plans yet. Hope it works out.

Here’s a little electro-raga I recorded — one sequencer and one synth captured in one take. It’s different but I like how it’s the lead, the drone, and the percussion all at once.

/156 - In Circles

Midi > Midi > Midi.

Alf driving ipad synths, with midilfos app driving alf tempo and direction. It’s lovely when things work together.

/154 - Random

Building weird layers with the midialf driving s80. Random sequence + Osc delays + delay effects.

I dunno. Not my usual, but I was patching around and this random sort of nice thing came out.