
/156 - In Circles

Midi > Midi > Midi.

Alf driving ipad synths, with midilfos app driving alf tempo and direction. It’s lovely when things work together.

/091 - Continua Continuing

Still really enjoying exploring the lovely continua synth. Having so many modulators and being able to map them to anything (and multiple anythings) makes a great environment for slow, evolving drones. I cheated a little on the field recording by using the mynoise app instead of something I recorded myself. Still, not sure when I will get the chance to visit/record a Finnish sauna, so maybe it’s not the end of the world. If you haven’t heard of the app I highly recommend it. Tons of interesting sound environments that lets you mix different elements with sliders. It was a real lifesaver when Emi was a sleep-hating newborn.

/044 - Mondaze

Pictures from my usual Monday morning visit to the park.

Evening sounds from Continua and Phyllis.

/042 - Aperture

My wife’s (photographer) old camera is back from the dead, and since she has a new one that means I get to adopt it. It has been a long time since I’ve shot anything digital besides my phone. Low depth of field forever! (Also fisheye)

Morning sounds: Continua > Phyllis. Continua’s modulation options are wonderful for pseudo generative melodies and slowly evolving textures. Besides being a great filter, Phyllis also has probably the prettiest noise source I’ve ever heard. Felt like I was at the beach on the moon.