
/367 - One More Day

Sine waves on the bitbox triggered by Kria. Was very tempted not to post but chickened out at the last minute. I was making the sounds, why not share them?

/323 - Mapping the Sounds

I can really feel the winter in the air.

Spent some more time with the iPad, etc today and pretty much confirmed the issue the the Twister was that it was trying to draw too much power. A high-current usb battery is en route to confirm, and it should also allow me to integrate norns. After so long of guitar straight into amp it's been really fun using these things for loops and processing. Also a great reminder that Spacecraft is wonderful. These sounds are mostly noodling while setting up channels and midi controls, testing and tweaking, listening and staring off into space.

It was a lazy weekend and I enjoyed it, even if I sh/coulda gotten more things done. Oh well.

/289 - Floaty

It’s been great getting all of these projects off my list, but I haven’t sat down at the desk in what feels like forever. I’ve been playing LOTS of guitar — I am pretty obsessed with the jazzmaster — but that’s just been guitar > amp. Tonight I set up compass as a longform delay by reducing the loop lengths and setting a low overdub amount. That way everything kept looping and slowing fading as new layers were built on top. All running into the Wedge, of course. (maybe a little too much) It was fun and I will definitely be exploring this further.

/246 - Sundaze

Another hot one today. I got the S80 stand finished and installed, but decided to play it instead of clean up all the wires (best choice) so no pics today. In other news I am on the fence about keeping the SH-01a. It sounds lovely, but I have other things that can cover those sounds, and it is a little limited. The perils of slider-per-function. it also puts the desk officially at “too full” and it seems like that’s a good threshold for “too much.”

This afternoon we went and reclaimed a tree. It’s a dwarf lilac that was given to Emily before she was born. We didn’t want to plant it at our last rental so it stayed in its pot, but I was worried it wouldn’t survive the winter so I buried it. Time went on and we moved and you know how it goes so there it was until today. Digging out the pot enough to haul that huge/heavy thing out was not the greatest time, but we are all very glad to have it back. Time to find a place in our yard for it to have a permanent home.

Some watery sounds, goodnight.

/235 - Wednesdaze

Long drones are also nice on Wednesdays, I guess.

/234 - Tuesdaze

Really long drones are nice on Tuesdays.

/199 - Our Own Cartoon World

Or: more fun with vectorization.

/191 - Sync

Squarespace had an outage last night which prevented me from posting…

It’s very rare that I do anything synced, typically preferring overlapping generative sequences/loops. Was playing with Model:Samples and randomly (ha) decided to plug in into Norns to clock Awake, with a little reverse delay for color. Was nice.

/126 - Looops

We didn’t go outside for a walk today, but we probably should have because I think we’re all a bit stir crazy. Looks like it’s supposed to be warm again tomorrow so at least we didn’t miss our chance this weekend.

Have been back into playing music again lately — it’s always been my best form of meditation so it’s extra important for me with all that’s going on. The sounds have been a bit hit or miss, but I keep playing and keep recording so I suppose that’s what’s most important. Just keep going.

/117 - Motion

Tried to take a night pic of my pedalboard lights and my phone defaulted to a live photo. Sorry. ;)

/081 - Motion

Did some more work on organizing my poor mess of a workbench. I have a hard time being productive in a messy environment. These storage bins give all the homeless bits and pieces a place to go instead of piles of bunches of random boxes. An open workspace is a happy workspace.

Why not turn them into a whacked-out De Stijl motion collage to celebrate?

/080 - Lights

Impromptu (blurry low-)light show, courtesy of meadowphysics and the grid.