
/191 - Sync

Squarespace had an outage last night which prevented me from posting…

It’s very rare that I do anything synced, typically preferring overlapping generative sequences/loops. Was playing with Model:Samples and randomly (ha) decided to plug in into Norns to clock Awake, with a little reverse delay for color. Was nice.

/055 - Awake (at 4AM)

For no good reason other than I woke up. My daily morning ritual is to make coffee and then sit on the couch and drink it in the quiet dark until I’m ready/have to go do something else. Today after my period of silence I decided to grab diy norns and fiddle (on the couch, in the dark, with the default norns script Awake, haha) around. I ended up recording a little music box un-lullaby to start the day.

/050 - Hazy

Got some serious BoC vibes going on over here tonight.

50 days straight? Crazy.