
/107 - Another Walk

Another day inside. It doesn’t bother me very much, but the ladies need to stretch their legs.

Top left to bottom right: Neighbor’s house texture; We found a bird’s nest and Emily was concerned about what happened to them ♥; Taro did not enjoy me waking her up during a sun nap; Emily has been saving this balloon she got at a birthday party for weeks. She dropped it in this bowl and I saw some shapes.

/086 - Down Down

L: I installed some heavy gauge strings on my guitar so I could try baritone (A standard currently) tuning. Feels and sounds great but I can get the intonation right so either have to do some work on the nut or take it somewhere for a setup. I’ve never had a professional setup so a little guitar spa treatment might be nice. I find the spider graphic very amusing because my music is probably about as far from spider music as it gets.

R: Taro. She is the weirdest and most lovable cat but it scared of basically everything and everyone but me. She’s also the jealous type. I was playing with our other cat and looked up to see she was staring at us intently from a safe distance. She spends most days sleeping hidden away in a closet, but she must have heard us and come to investigate.

/022 - Lightness

Found a few quiet moments today even though the house was turned into a full-blown cookie factory. Started work on designing an enclosure for DIY norns. Got the desk cleaned back off (ahhh) and made some nice sounds. Guitar > cranes > alesis wedge.

Only 1.5 more days until holiday break!