
/100 - Hundred?

Hundred! Wow. Pretty crazy that it’s been a hundred days of noticing so far. Not sure if I believed I would be able to keep up. It’s really not been as hard as I anticipated, but there have definitely been days were I really just wanted to go to bed. After the fact I was always glad I stayed up and did something and I’m sure this cycle will continue.

It’s very sunny and warm day here today. Emi and I made some paper apples. My slow leak became a fast leak, and since I was overdue I got 4 new tires. Weekends always go by so fast.

(also really looking forward to refinishing the deck this spring…)

/051 - Blue

L: Scene from the office. We have one of those auto-darkening windows in the conference room and it makes it really weird in there. No filter.

R: Ice floe sine wave at the beginning of sunset. It was very very cold today.

Evening drone loop excerpt. Running on empty, but the blog is a great push to do something instead of just going to bed. Mondays are long days.

/022 - Lightness

Found a few quiet moments today even though the house was turned into a full-blown cookie factory. Started work on designing an enclosure for DIY norns. Got the desk cleaned back off (ahhh) and made some nice sounds. Guitar > cranes > alesis wedge.

Only 1.5 more days until holiday break!