
/358 - Sundaze

We had a very quiet Sunday — watched movies and played games together. Sat on the couch and played guitar for awhile. Ash worked on a craft and Emi painted some pictures. Made a bunch of weird stuff with Legos and then made up stories about them. Quiet is nice.

I was hoping to post some music tonight, but nothing really clicked today. Spent the evening working with Pam’s trying to get some generative sequences and scales happening: easier dreamed than done. It all technically works — it just doesn’t sound good yet. Maybe tomorrow probably. haha

/351 - She's Crafty

One of those Sundays where you don’t feel like you did very much, but at the end of the day you’re still beat. I did manage to get a bunch of the mess cleaned up in the garage. It was way overdue and definitely needed to get done before the cold really sets in. I also managed to find the spot where I skipped numbers in my blog posts so will be fixing those soon. Ugh.

Emi and I did some more coloring and papercrafts today. She just can’t seem to get enough of turning large sheets of construction paper into small piles of scraps. The frog picture was from an ancient coloring book that Ash found in a thrift store — 70s or 80s? Emi had already traced her hand on it, but I just had to color this stately frog wizard so I worked it in.

/148 - Sundaze

Tried to make a quick mounting piece to attach the cool old Webcor mic to a mic stand. The piece of hdpe I was using had a lot of cuts in it from past projects which somehow started vibrating enough to break it free from the table and ruin the piece. Then I couldn’t even clean up the mess because the vacuum stopped working from a dirty filter. Can’t win em all.

On the (sort of) plus side — I start back at work tomorrow. Our company got approved for one of the federal loans created under the covid relief bill. Not sure what I’ll be working on yet as all my projects are still on hold. I am incredibly lucky to have only been off work for 2 weeks, but wow it went by fast.