
/366 - There Is No Ending

Today marks 1 year of daily posting to this blog. Looking around and all I can think is of all the things I didn’t do, wanted to do, or are sitting partially done. This isn’t to say that I am unhappy with things, quite the contrary, it’s just that there really is no end to the things I want to work on.

I am still debating on whether or not to finish out 2020 with a post a day. Seems weird to end with 1 month left even though I started on December 1st, 2019. I’m also not sure if I’m quite ready to say goodbye to it. The blog has become such a huge part of my life that it’s impossible to imagine my days without it. What comes next?

/329 - Chilly

Quiet, but nice, anniversary day home with Ash and Emi. It was pretty cold and Ash has been feeling sort of sick this week so we just laid low, ate food, watched movies. I did get outside for awhile to finally finish installing the front storm door. It looks great and would have been done ages ago if I hadn’t made the mistake which required a lot of work and then rework to undo. Oh well. this is how we learn.

Cold, quiet, goodnight.

/312 - Last Bounty

Emi and I collected probably the last bit of things out of the garden. There are still some unripe tomatoes, but not sure if they will make it due to the increasing cold. We had an incredible yield this year compared to last year, and it sort of scares me to think of what next year will bring! I’d really love an indoor greens garden for the winter, but in case you haven’t noticed I already have a lot of projects up in the air. Who knows, it would be a really great thing to have and maybe probably not as complicated as I think. (maybe)

Emily turns 4 tomorrow!

/286 - Friday Misc

I got Emily really excited to do a project with me this afternoon, so we stopped and got supplies while we were out doing the rest of our errands. By the time we got back she was over it. Then right before bedtime she lost it because we didn’t have time to do it before she had to go to bed. I got it all planned out tonight, so hopefully tomorrow we can finish it.

/265 - Green

Emi and I took a little walkabout today to see what we could see. In the end we didn’t see very much, but the weather was great and it was still fun to walk around and talk with her. She cracks me up!

I need to start digging back into my project list. Time has been short lately, but it feels to me that I’m just posting the same old thing all the time. There’s tons I want to work on, just need to jump in and do it.