
/201 - Garden

Things in the garden are taking off way faster than they did last year. We added the box on top for extra depth and mixed in the stinkiest mushroom compost. The tomatoes did nothing until very lte last year and we already have flowers. I also see this frog out there every night when I go water. No matter how close I get he just sits there. Now if only we can just get the chipmunks to be as chill and stop digging up the carrots every night.

/186 - Critters

The tadpoles have taken over the pond and the birds have finally found our window box.

Ash and I both installed the Cornell Lab Merlin app and have been trying to id all the different birds we have coming to the feeders in our yard. As much as I love animals I never gave birds that much thought, but between getting the field recorder and having so many around us all the time, I find myself always looking for them these days.

/153 - Critters

We took a very soggy walk this afternoon and found lots of visitors in the yard and nearby creek. Captions by Emi from top left to bottom right:

“I think they’re probably talking about something important.”

“When he wakes up he will get to see this pretty flower.” (He was definitely alive, just being very still)

“I know he’s hiding his treasure around here somewhere.”

“I brought you these stickers!” ♥♥♥