
/369 - Back On It, Ish

It’s been even longer this time. I have been working on projects and making music, but I’ve also been letting myself catch up on all the evenings on the couch I missed last year. As such, I very quickly fell out of the habit of posting. Thinking on it today I am going to set a goal for this year is at least 1 post per week. I’m not very good at doing it unless I have a fixed goal, so there it is.

The holidays were quieter than usual, but on the bright side it was nice to not have to do so much traveling. Since then our country has gone crazy and I really don’t think it’s going to stop anytime soon. In the meantime we’re just staying close, trying to stay healthy, and hoping that the horrible rhetoric causing all of this division goes silent. After the last four years it’s hard to imagine being surprised at anything, and yet it just keeps happening.

Peace and love. Happy New Year.